Princeton University

Ph.D. in Chinese Literature and History. Expected May 2025.

      Dissertation: The Unlikely Birth of the First Big Book in China

      Committee: Martin Kern (co-adviser), Anthony Grafton (co-adviser), Trenton Wilson, Wai-yee Li (Harvard) 

The Chinese University of Hong Kong 

M.Phil. in Chinese Language and Literature. 2019

      Thesis:《淮南子》篇章結構考 [On the Compositional Structure of the Huainanzi], 133 pp.

      Supervisor: Ho Che Wah 何志華, Choh-Ming Li Professor of Chinese Language and Literature

B.A. (First Class Honours) in Chinese Language and Literature. 2016




  • “Was It Easy to Create the First Big Bamboo Book?” In Dao Companion to the Philosophy of the Lüshi Chunqiu, ed. Marcin Jacoby and James D. Sellmann. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. 
  • Huainanzi.” In The Oxford Handbook of Daoism, ed. James Miller, Robin Wang, and Jingcheng Xu. New York: Oxford University Press.  


  • Review of Robert L. Chard, Recovering Confucian Authority: The Field of Ritual Learning in Early Imperial China 9 to 316 CE, Journal of the American Oriental Society (2025). 




  • 「不動心」的本質是甚麼?—《孟子》〈知言養氣章〉的文理與義理 [What is the Nature of "the Unperturbed Mind-heart" in Mencius 2A:2?] Chinese Studies 漢學研究 39.2 (June 2021): 1–37.
    • The findings of this paper have been incorporated into the latest edition of The History of the Thought of Mencius《孟學思想史論》(卷二增訂新版)by Chun-chieh Huang 黃俊傑 (Taipei: Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica 中央研究院中國文哲研究所, 2022), 194.



Elected as Title A Fellow of Trinity College, University of Cambridge, 2025–2029

Young Scholar Award 青年學者獎, China Times Cultural Foundation 中國時報文化基金會, 2024

Charlotte Elizabeth Procter Honorific Fellowship, Princeton University, 2024–2025 

Summer Dissertation Research Fellowship, Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies (PIIRS) and East Asian Studies Program, Princeton University, 2023, 2024

The Mabel Wu So S *71 and Ronald M.C. So, PhD *71 Fellowship in Chinese Studies, Princeton University, 2021–2022

Summer Language Study Fellowship (Intermediate Japanese), Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies (PIIRS) and East Asian Studies Program, Princeton University, 2020

Entrance Top-up Scholarship for the First Year of Study, East Asian Studies Program, Princeton University, 2019–2020

University Fellowship, Princeton University, 2019–2024

Ch'ien Mu Postgraduate Scholarship 錢穆先生研究生獎學金, New Asia College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2017, 2019

M.Phil. Scholarship, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2016–2018

Chan Kin Leung Memorial Scholarship for Outstanding Research in Chinese Classics 陳建樑博士傑出經學論文紀念獎, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2016

P. C. Ho and C. W. Ng Classical Chinese Poetry Writing Scholarship 何竹平吳肖穎伉儷古典詩詞創作獎學金, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2014

Hong Kong Youth Historian Award 香港青年史學家年獎, 2012



“The Unlikely Rise of the Big Book in Early China, 239–26 BCE.” East Asian Studies Colloquium Series, Princeton University, November 6, 2024.

“From Liu An to Liu Xiang.” Sixth Ph.D. Student and Young Scholar Workshop: “First Books in the Ancient World,” International Center for the Study of Ancient Text Cultures, Renmin University of China, August 26, 2024. 

“From Failure to Reinvention: The Cross-Referencing System of the First Chinese Big Book.” Textual Culture Workshop: “Ink in One’s Veins—Mapping the World of Texts in Early and Medieval China,” Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, University of Pennsylvania, March 14 2024.

“《左傳》中的逸詩與劣詩” [Noncanonical Poems as Inferior Poems in Zuozhuan]. Research Seminar, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, January 15, 2024.

“古代中國的詩歌表演與哲學實踐” [Textual Performance and Philosophical Praxis in Ancient China]. 語境化文學研究青年研討會 [Young Scholars Conference on Contextualized Literary Studies], School of International Chinese Studies, East China Normal University 華東師範大學國際漢語文化學院, November 25, 2023.

"西漢的滅亡與春秋時期的誕生——古代中國的經學實踐、數術預測與歷史分期" [The Demise of the Western Han and the Birth of the Spring and Autumn Period: Classical Studies, Numerology, and Periodization in Ancient China]. Research Seminar, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, September 2022. 

"Beyond Confucius: How Wang Mang Reinvented the Chinese Classical Tradition." The Society for the Study of Early China 10th Annual Conference. June 2022. 

"Reading Huainanzi, Becoming Xunzi: Reading, Intertextuality, and Praxis in Early China." The Annual Conference of Association for Asian Studies (AAS) 2021, Virtual Meeting, March 2021. 

"《左傳》的本質是甚麼?" Research Seminar, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, September 2020. 

"Becoming Xunzi: Reading, Intertextuality, and Praxis in Early China." The Annual Conference of Association for Asian Studies (AAS) 2020, Boston, MA (canceled)



Preceptor, Princeton University, 2024 Spring

Tutor, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2017

  • Zhuangzi 莊子 (2017 Fall)
  • Hanshu 漢書 (2017 Spring)



  • Early China (Cambridge University Press)
  • Philosophy East and West (University of Hawai'i Press)